Seated in their 1913-1914 Haynes cars are Judge Becker and P.J. Ruf, at the wheels of their Model 27 roadster and 7 passenger touring cars respectively. Probably a mighty chilly ride on this day.
The Green County Historical Museum is open now until the end of September. We encourage you to come in and see our new museum displays. Our volunteers have been working steadily to make the upstairs bright and open. The one room country school is also updated and open and children are very interested in the workings of a country school. We are open from 1-4 each Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Admission is free, and donations accepted. We have historical items for sale and continue to accession in many donated items. Our future calendar includes our annual Christmas Décor sale of slightly used decorations and gifts, with donations of items being accepted by calling 608-325-9730.
Also you can view our fall window display space at Creative Photography, just south of the square on 17th Avenue. Photos supplied by the Green County Historical Society