SOUTH WAYNE — The South Wayne Blood Drive at St. John’s Catholic Church on Jan. 11, collected five pints above the quota of 24.
Thirty-eight potential donors presented. There were three deferred, and five giving doubles; Jim Meier, Ron Bauman, Debra Anderson, Joan Jenson, and Kathryn Dickson. There was one first timer; Jack Walter.
Other donors were; Steven Lenzen, Debra Wolff, Stephen Ruegsegger, Kathryn Feeley, Debra Larson, Billy Paige, Donald Seffrood, Helen Ladow, Richard Fernstaedt, Mary McKnight, Carol Arrigoni, Jacky Boss, Carl Anderson, Sue Gerloff, Jillene Meier, Ralph Johnson, Cynthia Nipple, Taylor Broge, Carlyn Kotzbach, Megan Hegg, Robert Hull, Luann Donahoe, Marlene Rygh, Kent Meier, Connie Meier, Denny Larson, Melissa Pickett, Kenneth Heimann, Janet Gobeli, Steven Gobeli, Tracy Williams, and Carol Ruegsegger.
Donating to the canteen were; South Wayne Mart, milk, Valley View, cheese, Carol Broge, sandwiches, Helen Ladow, sandwiches, Connie Meier, sandwiches, cookies, sausage, crackers, and coffee. Helping with the drive were Taylor Broge, Carole Broge, and Connie Meier.
The next drive at St. John’s Catholic Church will be April 5.