MONROE — Many soldiers from Green County served the country in Europe during World War I. They stayed connected to their loved ones through letters, telling stories of their experiences.
Dr. Carrie A. Meyer is the author of Letters from the Boys: Wisconsin World War I Soldiers Write Home. Meyer researched the stories of some of these soldiers with Green County newspapers and other sources in order to share their unique stories in her book.
Dr. Meyer will visit Monroe Public Library on Saturday, Nov. 5 at 1 p.m. to speak about these stories and present some of her research. The presentation will be followed by time for questions, and the author will have books for sale. The library will provide coffee and tea. All are welcome.
Dr. Meyer is an associate professor of economics at George Mason University, and has published several books and papers. Much of her research focuses on the rural Midwest. She lives in Washington, D.C. Letters from the Boys was published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press.
For more information, contact Janel Keizer, Programming and Senior Outreach Librarian, Monroe Public Library jkeizer@