MONTICELLO — The Community Kitchen Co-op, in concert with the Monticello Chamber of Commerce, will hold its inaugural ribbon-cutting at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, April 26. The event will take place at the Co-op’s main facility, 209 N. Main Street, Monticello.
Tours of the kitchen and associated event space will be given, and refreshments will be served.
The Community Kitchen-Co-op is a farmer-owned cooperative offering pre-made ready to heat and eat meals and groceries on a subscription basis. Ingredients are sourced from local farms and businesses and meals are available for pick-up or delivery to Green County and southern Dane County.
For more information, visit
Wis. Farmers Union chapter meeting April 24
BROWNTOWN — The local chapter of the Wisconsin Farmers Union will be holding it’s next meeting April 24 at Hawk’s Mill Winery outside of Browntown.
The meeting will be an afternoon of catching up and hearing from the government relations team. The theme is “Welcome Back: Unmasking Our Farming Issues and Meeting Our Policymakers”. Guests include Nick Levendofsky, WFU Govt. Relations Director, and Michelle Ramirez-White, WFU Policy Coordinator. Also invited are newly elected county and local officials. The meeting is open to members and nonmembers alike. Light snacks provided.
Contact the chapter at with any questions.
First National Bank is
sponsoring April 29 blood drive in Gratiot
GRATIOT — First National Bank of Darlington, Gratiot Branch will sponsor a community blood drive from 2:30-6 p.m. on Friday, April 29 at 5630 Main Street, inside Community Center Gym in Gratiot.
To donate, please contact Colleen Riley at (608) 9226422 or visit and use code 1723 to locate the drive. Potential donors must be at least 17 years of age (16 with parental permission form available through and weigh more than 110 pounds. A photo I.D. is required to donate. For questions about eligibility, please call ImpactLife at (800) 7475401. Donors who last gave blood on or before 3/4/22 are eligible to give at this drive.
Blood donation is a safe, simple procedure that takes about 45 minutes to one hour. Individuals with diabetes or controlled high blood pressure may be accepted as eligible donors.
ImpactLife is the provider of blood and blood components to more than 125 hospitals in Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Wisconsin. In your area, ImpactLife is the exclusive provider to Memorial Hospital of Lafayette County.
DMV releases redesigned Golf Wisconsin plates
MADISON — The Wisconsin Department of Transportation Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) now offers the new design of the Golf Wisconsin license plate on its website ( This plate supports golf in Wisconsin through the annual $25 tax-deductible contribution to the Wisconsin Professional Golfers Association (WPGA) Junior Foundation and the Wisconsin Department of Tourism.
The new full-color plate design sports the WPGA logo. The old plates will be discontinued.
The fees for the Golf Wisconsin special license plate include:
● $25 contribution to the WPGA Junior Foundation and the Wisconsin Department of Tourism. The donation may be tax deductible.
● One-time $15 issuance fee.
● Plates may be personalized for an additional $15 fee each year.
● The regular vehicle registration fee (which may include wheel tax, if applicable).
Golf Wisconsin license plates must be ordered online or by mail. Plates are mailed to the customer.
Spring hat show May 15
DARLINGTON — The Lafayette County Historical Society is hosting a Spring Hat Show complete with tea and cake.
The Society’s extensive collection of hats donated by women of Lafayette County will be displayed and modeled with informative coordination by Marilyn Hill.
Visitors can wear their favorite hat, or take their photo with one from the collection at the spring celebration May 15. The event begins at 1:30 p.m. in the lower level of the museum at 525 Main St. Darlington. All ages welcome.
For more information call 608-776-8340.