Upcoming blood drives:
Green County
Belleville — Wednesday, April 20, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Belleville High School, Belleville High School, 635 W Church St
Monroe — Thursday, April 21, 12-6 p.m., Monroe Bible Church, 2613 8th Ave
Lafayette County
Argyle — Thursday, April 21, 12-5 p.m., Argyle High School, 14665 State Rd 78
Black Hawk blood drive results
SOUTH WAYNE — The South Wayne Community Blood Drive combined with Black Hawk School for a drive at St. John’s Catholic Church on April 6 with 45 donors presenting and 42 units collected. The quota was 36.
Four donors gave doubles: Kent Meier, Jacqueline Boss, Jacob Halverson, and James Wentzel. Black Hawk school yielded 10 donors, six students and four staff. Of the 45, there were three deferrals and one incomplete unit. It is unknown how many were first timers.
Donors were: Bailey Abney, Lynn Schultz, Kylie Hull, Stephen Ruegsegger, Pamela Kohlstedt, Anna Haldiman, Nicholas Kenny, George Breadon, Cynthia Nipple, Jim Meier, Robert Schilittler, Ellie Edler, Sue Gerloff, Debra Larson, Jill Meier, Helen Ladow, Denny Larson, LaVonne Liphart, Henry Seffrood, Ralph Johnson, Hunter Fidler, Ethan Trost, Jeff Stauffacher, Kaci Nall, Connie Meier, Susan Holverson, Karen Anderson, Mary Goonan, Cynthia Lalond, Carol Ruegsegger, Jason Thomas, Jeffrey McCardle, Melissa Pickett, Janet Gobeli, Cory Milz, Rebecca Good, Emily Zarling, Kim Hull, Anita Hicks, Steven Gobeli, and Cathy Cernek.
Volunteer helpers for the day were Chris Obert and Connie Meier. The next Blood Drive at St. John’s in South Wayne will be August 8.