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Green County Historical Society: Liberty School
Photo supplied by the Green County Historical Society
"School's out, school's out ..." This photo shows an unidentified teacher inside Liberty School (District 9 in Monroe Township). Liberty School, possibly located on Pond View Road, closed at the end of the 1938-39 school year. It was located just west of Bethel School, which was moved to the Green County Historical Society Museum complex. The museum is open from 1 to 4 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays through October. Visitors can see how this interior compares to the interior of the Bethel School. Anyone who can identify this teacher or who has any more information, photos and more about this school or any of the other 119 one-room country schools of Green County may contact Matt Figi at 608-325-6503 or Museum volunteers would like to make copies of any photos of the schools and the groups of students who attended them for the museum files.