INDIANAPOLIS — U.S. military veterans from around across the country begin arriving in Milwaukee next week for activities surrounding the 103rd National Convention of The American Legion, the nation’s largest veterans organization.
“We expect nearly 8,000 members of The American Legion Family to take part in convention activities from August 26 to September 1,” said Michael E. Walton, chairman of The American Legion National Convention Commission. “Veterans are a vital segment of communities across the country. By hosting our convention, the people of Wisconsin are sending a message to the nation that veterans matter.”
Blue-capped Legionnaires will be seen in Milwaukee where they will be housed in a number of hotels consuming approximately 15,000 room nights as they meet in business sessions at the Wisconsin Center. They are expected to contribute between $10 million and $15 million to the city economy through shopping, dining and tourism during their stay.
“We are delighted to come back to Cream City” Walton said. “Milwaukee hosted our national conventions in 1941, 2000 and 2010. Many Legionnaires have fond memories of previous conventions held there and some have trained at Fort McCoy. More than 413,000 veterans call Wisconsin ‘home.’ Wisconsin is a state that genuinely appreciates the men and women who have served this country.”
Veterans of all branches of the armed forces who have served in uniform anytime since December 7, 1941or those who are currently serving, are invited to join The American Legion and participate in the convention activities. Just stop by the national headquarters offices at the Wisconsin Convention Center during the convention or join online at
With a current membership of nearly 1.8 million wartime veterans, The American Legion was founded in 1919 on the four pillars of a strong national security, veterans affairs, Americanism, and youth programs. Legionnaires work for the betterment of their communities through approximately 12,500 posts across the nation and overseas.