The Wisconsin Manufactures and Commerce is the Radical Organization Not the Green Party
It is ironic and sad that the Wisconsin Manufactures and Commerce (WMC attempt to slander Supreme Court Candidate JoAnne Kloppenburg for her support of Ben Manski's campaign for State Assembly, claiming her support of a Green Party former Co-chair is somehow a reflection of her radical underpinnings, thus making her unacceptable to serve on the WI Supreme Court.
It is the current incarnation of the WMC and the Republican Party that is radical. They have adopted the radical posture that destroying collective bargaining, gutting school funding, ending recycling, eliminating alternative transportation to the automobile, and gutting the safety net that Wisconsin used to pride itself upon in a bipartisan fashion, is now good politics and public policy.
It is sad that the "non-profit" WMC can pay their Executive Director over $300,000 a year while pushing to cut pension benefits and increase health care costs for moderate and middle income workers. It is unconscionable that the WMC claims to support Wisconsin small business, but was a primary proponent of NAFTA and other trade agreements which has led to the decimation of well paying manufacturing jobs in this State, as corporations chase cheap labor sources so that shareholders, many of whom are non-working welfare kings---I mean financial speculators---can reap additional dividends. WMC cheers as stocks rise, while those laid off, or who have their salaries reduced suffer. This in turn impacts Wisconsin small business as people have less to spend, creating a downward spiral of revenue and economic dynamism.
It is the WMC that has a radical agenda under the guise of "lower taxes." What the WMC spinmasters really mean is more costs placed upon low and middle income people so their corporate orgy and decadence can continue. The Citizen's United Decision provides the prefect cover. Business that benefit the most, have more rights than individuals as they can hide behind anonymity as they donate to purchase the politicians that do their bidding. Divide and conquer strategies feed this divisive mentality, feeding into the radical right wing's attacks on teachers and public employees and unions and environmentalists and gays and lesbians and Latinos.
Where will it end? The Green Party's agenda is simply about two primary goals. A political goal for an America where decisions are made by the people, not by a few giant corporations. The environmental goal is a sustainable world where nature and human society co-exists in harmony. Is this radical? Giving corporations more rights than individuals is what is radical. The shrill and scurrilous attacks by the WMC make it increasingly a radical right propaganda arm of the Republican Party. The sad and sorry hypocrisy of their policies impact on Wisconsin families and small business will be increasingly exposed and diminished as the people of Wisconsin tire of their lies, understand their motives and move to make a better day in this great State.
-Andy Heidt of Madison is president, Dane County Professionals, AFSCME 1871.
It is ironic and sad that the Wisconsin Manufactures and Commerce (WMC attempt to slander Supreme Court Candidate JoAnne Kloppenburg for her support of Ben Manski's campaign for State Assembly, claiming her support of a Green Party former Co-chair is somehow a reflection of her radical underpinnings, thus making her unacceptable to serve on the WI Supreme Court.
It is the current incarnation of the WMC and the Republican Party that is radical. They have adopted the radical posture that destroying collective bargaining, gutting school funding, ending recycling, eliminating alternative transportation to the automobile, and gutting the safety net that Wisconsin used to pride itself upon in a bipartisan fashion, is now good politics and public policy.
It is sad that the "non-profit" WMC can pay their Executive Director over $300,000 a year while pushing to cut pension benefits and increase health care costs for moderate and middle income workers. It is unconscionable that the WMC claims to support Wisconsin small business, but was a primary proponent of NAFTA and other trade agreements which has led to the decimation of well paying manufacturing jobs in this State, as corporations chase cheap labor sources so that shareholders, many of whom are non-working welfare kings---I mean financial speculators---can reap additional dividends. WMC cheers as stocks rise, while those laid off, or who have their salaries reduced suffer. This in turn impacts Wisconsin small business as people have less to spend, creating a downward spiral of revenue and economic dynamism.
It is the WMC that has a radical agenda under the guise of "lower taxes." What the WMC spinmasters really mean is more costs placed upon low and middle income people so their corporate orgy and decadence can continue. The Citizen's United Decision provides the prefect cover. Business that benefit the most, have more rights than individuals as they can hide behind anonymity as they donate to purchase the politicians that do their bidding. Divide and conquer strategies feed this divisive mentality, feeding into the radical right wing's attacks on teachers and public employees and unions and environmentalists and gays and lesbians and Latinos.
Where will it end? The Green Party's agenda is simply about two primary goals. A political goal for an America where decisions are made by the people, not by a few giant corporations. The environmental goal is a sustainable world where nature and human society co-exists in harmony. Is this radical? Giving corporations more rights than individuals is what is radical. The shrill and scurrilous attacks by the WMC make it increasingly a radical right propaganda arm of the Republican Party. The sad and sorry hypocrisy of their policies impact on Wisconsin families and small business will be increasingly exposed and diminished as the people of Wisconsin tire of their lies, understand their motives and move to make a better day in this great State.
-Andy Heidt of Madison is president, Dane County Professionals, AFSCME 1871.