From Tom Stocks, Brodhead
To the editor:
June 5, no matter who wins the recall, isn't the end of the battle. If we haven't learned anything these past 15 months we surely know at what lengths (and who gets sacrificed) to save the union's power and income. The biggest losers in this episode have been the teachers themselves. In the name of union brotherhood, teacher credibility and integrity went down with the ship in the waters of unruly, uncivil behavior in our state capitol. A very huge portion of the state's residents were disgusted at the sights. WEAC has proven to the taxpayers, parents, and teachers time and again they don't care a hoot about any of us, they only care about their power. Where do we go from here?
Act 10 is structured to return the control of the public school system back to the taxpayer via the local school board. School boards now can more freely control the school district's own fate regarding teacher compensation, pay scales, bonuses, health care insurance, and retirement costs no longer having the excuse: "State law prohibits us."
Will they do it? Many school boards members are pro-union; after all, WEAC knows if they can elect their own boss it strengthens their position. It's our responsibility as parents and taxpayers to monitor board members and determine if they are acting in the students and our best interest, or the union's.
This whole adversarial climate further convinces us that WEAC, or any labor union does not belong in our school system. They contribute little or nothing to the success of our students. There are many good professional teachers organizations, such as the Association of American Educators that professionals should be considering or form their own as a replacement to labor unions. Wouldn't it be refreshing to have an organization that actually does put kids first? One that:
n Is committed to providing our students the best possible education.
n Believes professional educators should be free from all forms of involuntary membership and endorsements, believe strikes and walkouts are detrimental to students and to the reputation of teachers, and dedicated to improving education through cooperation, not confrontation.
n Endorses more local control of education, greater parental involvement, and higher standards of excellence and accountability for all stakeholders.
n Envisions a future in education where all teachers will be free to control their careers, providing individual input into their own pay and benefits.
To the editor:
June 5, no matter who wins the recall, isn't the end of the battle. If we haven't learned anything these past 15 months we surely know at what lengths (and who gets sacrificed) to save the union's power and income. The biggest losers in this episode have been the teachers themselves. In the name of union brotherhood, teacher credibility and integrity went down with the ship in the waters of unruly, uncivil behavior in our state capitol. A very huge portion of the state's residents were disgusted at the sights. WEAC has proven to the taxpayers, parents, and teachers time and again they don't care a hoot about any of us, they only care about their power. Where do we go from here?
Act 10 is structured to return the control of the public school system back to the taxpayer via the local school board. School boards now can more freely control the school district's own fate regarding teacher compensation, pay scales, bonuses, health care insurance, and retirement costs no longer having the excuse: "State law prohibits us."
Will they do it? Many school boards members are pro-union; after all, WEAC knows if they can elect their own boss it strengthens their position. It's our responsibility as parents and taxpayers to monitor board members and determine if they are acting in the students and our best interest, or the union's.
This whole adversarial climate further convinces us that WEAC, or any labor union does not belong in our school system. They contribute little or nothing to the success of our students. There are many good professional teachers organizations, such as the Association of American Educators that professionals should be considering or form their own as a replacement to labor unions. Wouldn't it be refreshing to have an organization that actually does put kids first? One that:
n Is committed to providing our students the best possible education.
n Believes professional educators should be free from all forms of involuntary membership and endorsements, believe strikes and walkouts are detrimental to students and to the reputation of teachers, and dedicated to improving education through cooperation, not confrontation.
n Endorses more local control of education, greater parental involvement, and higher standards of excellence and accountability for all stakeholders.
n Envisions a future in education where all teachers will be free to control their careers, providing individual input into their own pay and benefits.