From LaVern Isely
One of the most important election promises you keep is "What's the fairest way to tax?" So the government can run honestly and openly. President Obama, along with Speaker Pelosi, said they were going to vote on this very issue after the election. Since they still control the House and Senate, they can do so up until the end of the year. They can show us if they are Democrats or are they Republicans. Because, I, as an independent, am getting to wonder if there is any difference. Have they forgotten that President Franklin Roosevelt said, "Taxes should be based on ability to pay"? That means, the more income you make, the more taxes you pay.
There definitely is a difference in Washington between the Small Business Administration and the "Big Business Administration." It's the Small Business Association that's creating jobs in this country. Mainly because they don't have the lawyers and lobbyists like the big business administration does and move their jobs and money overseas and offshore tax havens such as banks.
That's why, by the end of the year, Democrats have to end the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest millionaires and billionaires. No more extensions! The Democrats stand for something or nothing. Our federal debt is getting to be a real problem and President Obama didn't have much luck on his world tour trying to get the G-20 to help him. So, it's up to President Obama and the Democratic Congress to do something before the end of the year.
Then, after the Republicans take over the House of Representatives, let them tell the world why you can't return the federal income tax rate to at least 39.6 percent where President Clinton had it. Or even tax the hedge fund dealers at that same rate instead of the current 15 percent rate they're presently paying. There's thousands of them and the top one makes over $3 billion a year. So, why shouldn't he pay more taxes if we're serious about reducing our debt. The G-20 nations are watching us and they all know that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, by continuously pushing the interest rates lower and lower, is not going to get the job done, other than lowering the value of the dollar and making our currency worthless.
Politicians, wake up! The middle class and the independents deserve a fair taxing system.
One of the most important election promises you keep is "What's the fairest way to tax?" So the government can run honestly and openly. President Obama, along with Speaker Pelosi, said they were going to vote on this very issue after the election. Since they still control the House and Senate, they can do so up until the end of the year. They can show us if they are Democrats or are they Republicans. Because, I, as an independent, am getting to wonder if there is any difference. Have they forgotten that President Franklin Roosevelt said, "Taxes should be based on ability to pay"? That means, the more income you make, the more taxes you pay.
There definitely is a difference in Washington between the Small Business Administration and the "Big Business Administration." It's the Small Business Association that's creating jobs in this country. Mainly because they don't have the lawyers and lobbyists like the big business administration does and move their jobs and money overseas and offshore tax havens such as banks.
That's why, by the end of the year, Democrats have to end the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest millionaires and billionaires. No more extensions! The Democrats stand for something or nothing. Our federal debt is getting to be a real problem and President Obama didn't have much luck on his world tour trying to get the G-20 to help him. So, it's up to President Obama and the Democratic Congress to do something before the end of the year.
Then, after the Republicans take over the House of Representatives, let them tell the world why you can't return the federal income tax rate to at least 39.6 percent where President Clinton had it. Or even tax the hedge fund dealers at that same rate instead of the current 15 percent rate they're presently paying. There's thousands of them and the top one makes over $3 billion a year. So, why shouldn't he pay more taxes if we're serious about reducing our debt. The G-20 nations are watching us and they all know that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, by continuously pushing the interest rates lower and lower, is not going to get the job done, other than lowering the value of the dollar and making our currency worthless.
Politicians, wake up! The middle class and the independents deserve a fair taxing system.