From Frank Mixdorf, New Glarus
To the editor:
Some people I know downplay anything negative about Gov. Walker, saying he's balanced the budget and erased the deficit. But if Walker truly believed he was going to get 250,000 jobs created that would be figured into his projected state income and sales taxes. Obviously he hasn't done so well on the jobs front. So is the revenue really coming in as expected? If not, and Walker stays in office, might he then use that as his excuse to start selling off state assets such as parks and other public lands? The Department of Natural Resources secretary wants to do just that.
For deer hunters who enjoy the "right" to hunt on state-held property, this might not be good news. Walker has already hired a Texan named James Kroll to advise the DNR on deer management. Kroll is virulently against public game management, and on record as calling it "the last bastion of communism." Instead, he fervently believes in wildlife managed through private enterprise. Hmmm ... might there soon be high fences going up around our public lands, and out-of-state hunters coming in to pay big bucks for Wisconsin's big bucks?
We can't trust Walker enough to find out.
To the editor:
Some people I know downplay anything negative about Gov. Walker, saying he's balanced the budget and erased the deficit. But if Walker truly believed he was going to get 250,000 jobs created that would be figured into his projected state income and sales taxes. Obviously he hasn't done so well on the jobs front. So is the revenue really coming in as expected? If not, and Walker stays in office, might he then use that as his excuse to start selling off state assets such as parks and other public lands? The Department of Natural Resources secretary wants to do just that.
For deer hunters who enjoy the "right" to hunt on state-held property, this might not be good news. Walker has already hired a Texan named James Kroll to advise the DNR on deer management. Kroll is virulently against public game management, and on record as calling it "the last bastion of communism." Instead, he fervently believes in wildlife managed through private enterprise. Hmmm ... might there soon be high fences going up around our public lands, and out-of-state hunters coming in to pay big bucks for Wisconsin's big bucks?
We can't trust Walker enough to find out.