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Voting for Dems will bring progress
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From Doris E. Kegl


Isn't it a shame that the rightwing Republicans have come to the level of making death threats against Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson, who is working to help fix the country's problems. And Sarah Palin's summer of a loaded deck of untruths road trip is in full swing. Supposedly, all the tea parties were financed by Charles and David Koch, the 19th richest Republican billionaires in the world, according to a 2009 ranking by Forbes. While the Republicans continue to be the party of "No" the Democrats are busy cleaning up the mess left by eight years of GOP misrule; continue trying to shore up the economy; keep trying to create jobs; investing in clean renewable energies and trying to create millions of new green jobs along with sweeping away the smear and outlandish fear tactics and blatant lies the Republicans employ to twist public opinion and obstruct progress.

For the benefit of all American people, why can't all political leaders be honest to work for a high level of accomplishment? We know what eight years of the Bush Administration brought us. Nothing but a huge deficit and an unwanted Iraq War. Is that what we want again? President Obama and the Democrats are trying very hard to bring this country back to a better condition. They thought it unfair to deny health insurance to Americans with pre-existing conditions. They thought it was wrong to let hard working families go bankrupt because somebody in their family gets sick. So they did something about it that no Congress had done in American history. Democrats can take credit for reforming health care, Wall Street, credit cards and student loans, just to name a few highlights.

It's about choosing leaders who actually want to lead and make tough decisions, that put people before politics. One big challenge ahead will be standing up to Big Oil who have donated thousands of dollars to Republicans through their political committees. They will oppose anyone who calls for clean energy.

Therefore, the only way for progress for this country is to vote Democrat in the coming elections. To continue with the fruitful years we have had under the Democratic leadership.

Clinton did it. And Obama. Yes, he can.