At the Chamber of Commerce, I enjoy many wonderful elements of the work that we do for the community. My day is filled with opportunities to promote our chamber members and bring a focus on the City of Monroe and the wonderful assets that make it so special. We get to take part in many light-hearted and fun moments.
With each new businesses or grand opening the Chamber celebrates, we recognize these moments would not occur without planning, growth and development.
In 2015, the city completed its comprehensive plan. With extensive research led by the city and regional planning professionals, they solicited feedback and potential solutions from the residents and community leaders. The city constructed the comprehensive plan and designed a plan to address the needs for the city in a variety of categories such as housing, transportation, economic development and agriculture; parks, recreation and natural resources; culture, creativity, and community resources; utilities and energy management; and land use and the built environment.
Implementation of the plan has been happening in a variety of ways and the plan addresses needs in a set timeline of 2015 to 2035.
It is no secret housing is in short supply in Monroe and our surrounding area. Now that the groundwork of rezoning and updated assessments has been done, the city is ready to take the next steps in the comprehensive plan. With the use of a Redevelopment Authority, the city can now focus on its housing needs.
The mission of the RDA is to encourage well-planned, integrated, stable, safe and healthful neighborhoods, the provision of healthful homes, a decent living environment and adequate places for employment of the people of Monroe. A few of the responsibilities of the RDA include preparing and implementing urban renewal programs and collaborating with developers and community partners for property redevelopment, and empowered by Wisconsin state statutes, to borrow money, issue bonds and make loans.
With such important matters before us, we invite you to be our guest as we partner with the City of Monroe to host an informational meeting regarding city’s efforts in addressing multiple needs established in the 2015 Comprehensive Plan. The Chamber of Commerce and the business community are vital elements in meeting the needs of the City of Monroe.
The City of Monroe and Monroe Chamber of Commerce invite you to attend a free informational meeting on Thursday from 5 to 6 p.m. at Monroe Golf Club, 2205 21st St. We encourage all chamber members, as well as interested community members, to join us for a 15-minute presentation by the city followed by a question and answer session. The presentation will focus on the RDA and its role in the 2015 Comprehensive Plan, as well as growth and development opportunities and how this can impact the community.
Reservations are appreciated but not required. To reserve your seat at the community forum please call 608-325-7648 or email
— Melissa Even is the executive director for the Monroe Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at