Jim DiUlio's letter entitled "McCain out of touch on key issue" is another example of liberals' attempts to mislead voters. Mr. DiUlio wants readers to believe it was Sen. McCain and Republicans who are to blame for the financial crisis. In reality, Republicans called for greater oversight and regulation of Freddie and Fannie and Democrats at every turn either denied there was a problem, or attacked those Republicans and regulators trying to stop Freddie and Fannie abuses. No one has to take my word for it; go to the following sites and watch and listen to Democrats for yourselves:
http://www.redcounty.com/ sarasota/2008/09/democrats-in-their-own-words-c/
and another:
There are so many resources on the Internet if one wants to find the truth. For example, Sen. Obama says he has never voted against protecting a baby born of a botched abortion. Watch and listen to his own words: http://www.foxnews.com/video/index.htmlplayerId=videolandingpage& streamingFormat=FLASH&referral Object=3043554&referralPlaylistId=playlist&maven_referrer=staf
Obama says he is a Christian: http://www.youtube.com/swf/l.swf?video_id=4FCNKwHRCQM&rel=1&eurl=&iurl=http%3A//i1.ytimg. com/vi/4FCNKwHRCQM/default. jpg&t=OEgsToPDskIk1a0XPcfjI DvYqYmkwqwS&use_get_video_ info=1&load_modules=1
Obama says he never had anything to do with ACORN:
http://www.exposeobama.com/ obamaacorn3.html
I find it hard to believe anything Sen. Obama says.
As for Mr. DiUlio's assertion that McCain would cut Social Security payments for current and future citizens, McCain actually said "We are not going to be able to provide the same benefit for present-day workers that present-day retirees have today. We're going to have to sit down across the table, Republican and Democrat, as we did in 1983 between Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill." He did not say he is going to "cut" anyone's Social Security, he merely says "reform" is necessary, and I think everyone would agree.
We are bombarded daily by the liberal media's bias. To be a truly informed voter, we should all take the time to find the truth. Search both liberal and conservative sites.
I have worked with grassroots organizations for the past several years on many issues, and have learned Democrats do not listen to their constituents; Republicans do. It was Republicans who pushed for drlling because the majority of Americans wanted drilling, it was Republicans who voted against immigration reform because the majority of Americans were against Amnesty. It should scare everyone to realize we may have a Democrat for president and a Democrat majority in the Senate and House.
http://www.redcounty.com/ sarasota/2008/09/democrats-in-their-own-words-c/
and another:
There are so many resources on the Internet if one wants to find the truth. For example, Sen. Obama says he has never voted against protecting a baby born of a botched abortion. Watch and listen to his own words: http://www.foxnews.com/video/index.htmlplayerId=videolandingpage& streamingFormat=FLASH&referral Object=3043554&referralPlaylistId=playlist&maven_referrer=staf
Obama says he is a Christian: http://www.youtube.com/swf/l.swf?video_id=4FCNKwHRCQM&rel=1&eurl=&iurl=http%3A//i1.ytimg. com/vi/4FCNKwHRCQM/default. jpg&t=OEgsToPDskIk1a0XPcfjI DvYqYmkwqwS&use_get_video_ info=1&load_modules=1
Obama says he never had anything to do with ACORN:
http://www.exposeobama.com/ obamaacorn3.html
I find it hard to believe anything Sen. Obama says.
As for Mr. DiUlio's assertion that McCain would cut Social Security payments for current and future citizens, McCain actually said "We are not going to be able to provide the same benefit for present-day workers that present-day retirees have today. We're going to have to sit down across the table, Republican and Democrat, as we did in 1983 between Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill." He did not say he is going to "cut" anyone's Social Security, he merely says "reform" is necessary, and I think everyone would agree.
We are bombarded daily by the liberal media's bias. To be a truly informed voter, we should all take the time to find the truth. Search both liberal and conservative sites.
I have worked with grassroots organizations for the past several years on many issues, and have learned Democrats do not listen to their constituents; Republicans do. It was Republicans who pushed for drlling because the majority of Americans wanted drilling, it was Republicans who voted against immigration reform because the majority of Americans were against Amnesty. It should scare everyone to realize we may have a Democrat for president and a Democrat majority in the Senate and House.