From William H. Holland
To the editor:
The financial and governing mess in our state and federal capitals can be fixed.
The problem is caused by two separate groups.
The radical left and right of the Democratic and Republican parties, all elected state and federal elected positions and appointees, along with all the multimillionaire money flowing to Political Action Committees, and their lobbyists belong to the first group. These cowards have caused the mess by being more interested in power by getting re-elected, reappointed, or pushing their ideology, than they are for doing what is right for the state or country. Politicians won't even discuss bipartisan positions on the national debt, Medicare, Social Security, or any subject affecting this state and nation as it financially "circles the drain."
The PACs publish lies and hatred in the "media," with negative ads, in an effort to terrorize citizens into agreeing with them or not voting because of disgust for the system.
All voting citizens who accept the message sent by politicians and PACs. They buy into all the media advertisement by politicians and speeches, saying that they want to get in office "to stand up for the average citizen, change the system, fix the way things are done in the statehouse or Washington." It will never happen. This simply cannot be done by a solitary politician. If they actually tried, the political system would grind them up and spit them out. Many moderate politicians are not running for re-election because the system is so toxic.
"Throw the bums out" is a temporary measure. More bums are elected.
Term limits, where citizens do a short period of political service to the county, state or nation, and then return to their former occupation, seems like a good idea, but will never happen. Cowardly politicians would not vote to limit their time in power. Politicians say we have term limits. They are called elections. They won't admit that incumbents often have overwhelming advantages. They more easily raise money in exchange for advancing the donor's agenda, and do things while in office to ingratiate themselves to citizens, while never working to solve difficult issues. Remember the line about a foolproof way of telling if a politician is lying - if their lips are moving they are lying, by telling us what we want to hear.
To the editor:
The financial and governing mess in our state and federal capitals can be fixed.
The problem is caused by two separate groups.
The radical left and right of the Democratic and Republican parties, all elected state and federal elected positions and appointees, along with all the multimillionaire money flowing to Political Action Committees, and their lobbyists belong to the first group. These cowards have caused the mess by being more interested in power by getting re-elected, reappointed, or pushing their ideology, than they are for doing what is right for the state or country. Politicians won't even discuss bipartisan positions on the national debt, Medicare, Social Security, or any subject affecting this state and nation as it financially "circles the drain."
The PACs publish lies and hatred in the "media," with negative ads, in an effort to terrorize citizens into agreeing with them or not voting because of disgust for the system.
All voting citizens who accept the message sent by politicians and PACs. They buy into all the media advertisement by politicians and speeches, saying that they want to get in office "to stand up for the average citizen, change the system, fix the way things are done in the statehouse or Washington." It will never happen. This simply cannot be done by a solitary politician. If they actually tried, the political system would grind them up and spit them out. Many moderate politicians are not running for re-election because the system is so toxic.
"Throw the bums out" is a temporary measure. More bums are elected.
Term limits, where citizens do a short period of political service to the county, state or nation, and then return to their former occupation, seems like a good idea, but will never happen. Cowardly politicians would not vote to limit their time in power. Politicians say we have term limits. They are called elections. They won't admit that incumbents often have overwhelming advantages. They more easily raise money in exchange for advancing the donor's agenda, and do things while in office to ingratiate themselves to citizens, while never working to solve difficult issues. Remember the line about a foolproof way of telling if a politician is lying - if their lips are moving they are lying, by telling us what we want to hear.