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Tabaka: The ‘grab bag’ moments of life
John Tabaka
John Tabaka

Recently, the family took a few days to travel up and down the shoreline of Lake Michigan in the state of the same name. We hiked and enjoyed the beaches. We saw beautiful reflective sunsets every night. We took in the view from several light houses.  

Along the way, we did some shopping as well. One of the stores we stopped at was a bookstore. Near the cash register was a special display. In essence, it was a “grab bag” display. Items were individually wrapped in brown paper. Upon each one was written “book” or “game” in black marker ink. A reduced price was also placed on the cover.  These were bargains at $2.99-5.99 each if you were looking for a random experience with a book or game.  

The unknown is what that table held. Each paper covered item carried with it the possibility of knowledge, entertainment or adventure. But another possibility loomed as well, simply a waste of money. 

Our lives are filled with these “grab bag” moments of unknowing and uncertainty. They can be marked with a sense of hesitancy or abandon. The choices we make cause us to consider safety or cost, comfort or benefit. Some people seek out new things or are willing to risk more. Others shy away from that.  

No matter your attitudes or tendencies, life comes with its unknowns. God provides us with the ability to think and discern. Never do we all come to the same conclusions, no matter what. Our individual histories, attitudes and experiences all influence our processes. 

We are also never alone in that process. We have a creator God that is involved with our lives along with the knowns and the unknowns. St. Paul exhorts the Philippians and us as well, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).

My thoughts and prayers are with you all as we step into the “grab bag” of life and unknowable futures with the unshakable love of God.

— Reflections appears regularly on the religion page. The column features a variety of local writers, coordinated through the Monroe Area Clergy Group. John Tabaka is pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, Monroe.