From Roger Stauffacher, Monroe
I am always amused when letters spout non-facts without accountability. One of the current hot topics is the social security mess. I received all my Social Security "investment" in less than three years, yet still receive a monthly check. Sounds like welfare to me.
Our "progressive" national unfunded promises now stands at $61 trillion or about $500,000 dollars per household. Sounds like welfare to me. We have 47 million people on food stamps and 51 percent of Americans do not pay any income tax. Sounds like welfare to me.
Thanks kids for paying the bill forever. How's that hope and change working for you? That whirring sound you hear if you are listening is our founding fathers spinning in their graves. This is not what made America great.
I am always amused when letters spout non-facts without accountability. One of the current hot topics is the social security mess. I received all my Social Security "investment" in less than three years, yet still receive a monthly check. Sounds like welfare to me.
Our "progressive" national unfunded promises now stands at $61 trillion or about $500,000 dollars per household. Sounds like welfare to me. We have 47 million people on food stamps and 51 percent of Americans do not pay any income tax. Sounds like welfare to me.
Thanks kids for paying the bill forever. How's that hope and change working for you? That whirring sound you hear if you are listening is our founding fathers spinning in their graves. This is not what made America great.