From Peg Rasch
It is a diversion! The public employees collective bargaining issue is a major public policy topic that needs to be discussed and debated broadly - not accomplished via an edict. It pits Wisconsin workers against each other (Is this not the classic game of divide and conquer?)
Not only that, which is bad enough, it distracts attention from several other provisions in the bill that will have a major impact on the state. Those provisions include the selling "on a no bid" basis of the state-owned energy facilities. This provision allows the administration - the governor and his appointed department heads - to make the decision. The Legislature, our elected representatives, will have no role and the Public Service Commission oversight is also removed.
There is a similar provision for changes in the state-federal Medicare contract that appears will have an impact on the families and individuals covered by Badger Care and Senior Care. The governor and his people can single-handedly eliminate them, without legislative input.
These are policies that require broad citizen debate. Please look beyond the obvious and support those who are asking "to Kill the Bill". And start over - we all know that belts need to be tightened, but we are capable of tightening them ourselves. We don't need an autocrat to tighten them for us.
It is a diversion! The public employees collective bargaining issue is a major public policy topic that needs to be discussed and debated broadly - not accomplished via an edict. It pits Wisconsin workers against each other (Is this not the classic game of divide and conquer?)
Not only that, which is bad enough, it distracts attention from several other provisions in the bill that will have a major impact on the state. Those provisions include the selling "on a no bid" basis of the state-owned energy facilities. This provision allows the administration - the governor and his appointed department heads - to make the decision. The Legislature, our elected representatives, will have no role and the Public Service Commission oversight is also removed.
There is a similar provision for changes in the state-federal Medicare contract that appears will have an impact on the families and individuals covered by Badger Care and Senior Care. The governor and his people can single-handedly eliminate them, without legislative input.
These are policies that require broad citizen debate. Please look beyond the obvious and support those who are asking "to Kill the Bill". And start over - we all know that belts need to be tightened, but we are capable of tightening them ourselves. We don't need an autocrat to tighten them for us.