From Charles Wellington
To the Editor:
I have been impressed by the dedication that Brenda Carus has shown as a member of the Green County Board. She is hard working and carefully researches the issues that come before the Board. Her positions are well thought out and balanced and she is willing to take a stand — even when an issue is complex and perhaps divisive. She brings to the board a wealth of experience based on her job in State and local Finance and her community service for over twenty years. These are the qualifications of a good elected official.
In addition to her role as a County Board Supervisor, she is a mother, has home schooled her children, and is a successful business person. She is tireless, compassionate, articulate and smart. Green County is fortunate to have her.
Mr. Webber has chosen to run against Brenda. The questions voters must ask are, what are his qualifications, why is he running and is there a compelling reason why Brenda should not be re-elected as a Supervisor? In reading Mr. Webber’s recent Letter to the Editor, he does not answer the first two questions. It is my understanding that he has no experience in local government. He has also stated that he is running because he does not agree with the vote by the board last year recognizing the LGBTQ community in Green County. He is entitled to his opinion, but that is not a good reason to elect him and not re-elect Brenda. That vote was a difficult one for many, but a majority of the board did vote to show support for a marginalized community.
We need people in government who bring a broad base of knowledge and experience — not one issue candidates. Brenda brings that knowledge and experience to her role as Supervisor.
I encourage you to vote for Brenda Carus on April 2nd.