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Wellington: Dear Republicans, vote Democratic this time around
Letter To The Editor

From Charles Wellington


To the Editor:

Following the presidential debate, I have been asking my Republican friends how they still feel about Trump. What I witnessed in that debate, and I am not alone, was a man who put his insatiable narcissism and inability to articulate any position with clarity on full display. Vice-President Harris, on the other hand calmy and clearly presented her policies, was articulate in her answers and exemplified the qualities most people want in a president.

Having once been a Republican, I understand the pull of party loyalty. We are at a time in history, however, when love of country and its democratic principles, not to mention just plain sanity, must override that loyalty. Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to this country and many Republicans I talk to admit that he is a millstone around the neck of the Republican party. Many of them desire a reset back to solid conservative values. Liz Cheney is just one example. This country works best with two viable political parties. Having Donald Trump as the Republican standard bearer forfeits that party’s viability.

It is the Democratic party that avoided a recession unlike many other countries after the pandemic. Trump has asked the question, are you better off now than four years ago? With rare exceptions, the answer is yes. Inflation is down to almost 2% from its post-pandemic peak of 9.1%. The Fed just lowered the interest rate for the first time in years. Factory construction is at a record high. Biden-Harris created more than 700,000 manufacturing jobs. A record 19 million people have applied to start new businesses. Trump’s policies, on the other hand, killed manufacturing  jobs while creating the largest budget deficit in American history.

So, in closing, I encourage my Republican friends to vote Democratic in November. It is right for the country and the best thing you can do for your party. Doing so will keep America great.