From Richard Rote
To the Editor:
I have paid taxes in the Monroe School District more than 40 years and have always supported a great school system. I would be happy to see a new high school with the latest technology available but there is a limit to the tax burden that can be put on our property owners. Our community has become so divided and a lot of information has been put out there that may or may not be correct. I do not believe that our school board intentionally lied to us but made decisions based on information provided to them. If they did not receive accurate information I would hope that they would be asking pointed questions of the people who provided that information. Now we have a Facebook group of more than 1000 and it appears that litigation is the next step.
If the Board and the Administration really are interested in regaining the trust of the electors now is the time to put on the brakes and make changes if necessary. Maybe modification to the present plan can be made and still meet the needs of the students.
Two questions that I never seem to hear answers to:
1 How would our taxes have been affected if there had been no referendum? This should be easily answered by someone who understands the tax system.
2. Suggestions have been made to build a new high school on the present school property. Has that been considered and if not why not? The land is already owned, the neighborhood is used to the disruption caused by the school, and the infrastructure is already there or close by.
I encourage the Board and Administration to work with the electors to come up with a better plan. Litigation is not the way. It will be more divisive and costly to the taxpayers.