From Diana Vance
To the editor:
Donald Trump has propaganda techniques he uses effectively all the time. In his rally at Orlando, Florida he promised his base that he would cure cancer, eradicate AIDS and lay the foundation to land astronauts on Mars.
In his rally in Green Bay he said when an aborted baby is alive when delivered the doctor and the mother kill it. That is not true. It’s an attack to destroy doctors and women.
He said Barack Obama started ISIS. I researched who started ISIS. It was a thug from Iraq. Donald Trump is jealous of Obama’s popularity so he tries to destroy him.
Why does his base accept such lies? The propaganda technique he uses is called “The Big Lie.” Trump learned it from Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf.” Hitler’s advice was to use a lie so colossal that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.”
Another of Hitler’s propaganda vehicles that Donald Trump borrowed was to lie repeatedly enough that people will sooner or later believe it. We cannot imagine and are unprepared for anyone who lies and cons as shamelessly and effectively as he does. How often do we hear “fake news” or the “press is the enemy of the people.” Russians pray for a free press.
Trump wants to be dictator. I believe that is his goal. Trump as executive branch is ruling almost all alone. The next step is ruling all alone. That is why I want him impeached. Why are Democrats waiting?
He often uses chaos to change the subject when he has done something unthinkable like being responsible for the deaths of 3,000 people in Puerto Rico who did not get the aid from him they needed to fix their electricity and clean their water after Hurricane Maria. But Trump never admits a fault or wrong. This is what we are dealing with.
As with all great con men Trump is skilled in the art of deception. He is a self-promoter willing to lie, swindle and destroy to advance his insatiable self-interest. His base might think he would mingle with them but he is far from being a person who mingles with the masses. The people with whom he mingles are the super wealthy.
He has no intension to mingle with the masses. Trump is making America great- for himself and not for them.