From Diana Vance
To the editor:
While our president is spewing hatred and fear about people of color I think it would be good to remember Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of president Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Eleanor made her own mark in history. Following her husband’s death, she became the United States delegate to the United Nations.
It was her job to lead a committee that would put forth The Declaration of Human Rights. The Soviet bloc fought against this but on Dec. 10, 1948 the United Nations voted on the following document and it was adopted at 3 o’clock in the morning.
The declaration said, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience, and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”
We have a president who does not believe this. He is included in these rights as are all people on the earth. But Tuesday he went low and made an Executive decision that all immigrants living in the United States that do not have citizenship and are using food stamps and Medicaid will be deported. We have a racist for our president.
We must remember in our country our founders wrote a Declaration of Independence that said “All men are created equal.” By acting like a slave owner Donald Trump has no right to kick these people out. They are here legally and attempting to work at jobs no white person would do. Give them a chance to earn enough money to get citizenship.
Who does he think milks the hundreds and sometime thousands of dairy cows in these huge CAFOs? Who is the dish washer in restaurants? Who does the back breaking work in the strawberry fields in California? There are “looking to hire” signs all over town.
And he better quit messing with the message on the Statue of Liberty. Ignorant as he is, I bet he does not know that the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France. It was supposed to be a tribute to our country’s freedom and that we welcome the “tired and the poor” who want to be free. Where is his humanity? Under his narcissism?
Our next president should be required to take two tests. One would cover knowledge of our history. The other would show any psychological problems. Donald Trump would flunk both.