From Mike Sanders
To the editor:
My 40 plus years in healthcare provided an opportunity to work with some extraordinary people — people who came to work every day in the service of others. During that time, everyone knew there was some element of risk to the job but that was part of the package. We did a lot of disaster preparedness planning with a hope that we would never have to use that training.
As you know, we are now in unprecedented times. Our health care team and other essential workers are now on the front lines, putting their lives at risk in service to the community. I am writing this on March 21 and Green County only has one confirmed case of COVID-19. This is only the beginning. We will see many more cases, all of which will put tremendous strain on our health system. In fact, by the time you read this, we will likely be in the middle of it. I want to assure you that, based on my nearly 20 years of work with the Monroe Clinic team, I know that they and the SSM Health system behind them are ready to serve and take on this challenge. They are dedicated men and women, most of who look at their work as a ministry or calling — much more than a job. I am so thankful they are here with us. I am also so appreciative of their families and the support they provide so our health care team can take care of us.
There are others that are taking on more risk during these challenging times — first responders, social services staff, health department staff, environmental services, grocery workers and other essential workers that are needed to keep our communities going.
We are blessed to have these folks among us. If you see them, thank them. If you don’t see them from your homes, take some time to think positive thoughts and/or say a prayer for their safety.
Lastly, please follow the recommendations of the experts as we work through this.