From Joyce Rufer
To the editor:
The left is blaming President Trump for the riots and discord in the dem run cities. Well, if you watched the news over the last 3.5 years you could see many democrats telling lies to their left supporters to cause discord in this country.
Remember Maxine Waters telling her audience “Get in their faces and force them out of restaurants and stores, surround them in gas stations and intimidate them,” or “I would take him out tonight.”
Remember when Biden, himself said “I would like to take him out behind the gym and beat him up.”
Remember when Harris said “riots aren’t going to stop and they shouldn’t,” or “they will be coming for you, Trump supporters.”
Remember when Pelosi said “Trump is an enemy of the state” “I don’t know why there aren’t more uprisings.”
Remember when the CNN anchor said “I would like to put a bullet in Donald Trump’s head” or “Who said protests should be peaceful.” Well, the constitution does, sir.
Remember when Johnny Depp said “When was the last time an actor assassinated a President?”
Remember when Kathy Griffin held a bloody Trump head?
There are many more instances that are recorded and the left is blaming the riots on President Trump. What a bunch of hypocrites. It sickens me to see how the left is treating this country. Russia and China are laughing and waiting for the great USA to implode, then we will be ripe for a takeover without a shot needed, from them. I sure hope that people that call themselves educated would do some research and deep thought before they go and vote on Nov. 3.
The left calls Donald Trump racist. If he is so racist how come he has won numerous awards for his work with the Jewish and also for the black communities in New York City? Did the fake news ever report on this? Check it out!
Well, who are you going to vote for on Nov. 3? The racist Biden who said “if you don’t vote for me you aren’t black?” Or do you want to vote for the President who made promised and KEPT them? It should be very clear to everyone that the dems think the American public is stupid! Let’s prove them wrong.