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Heine: Tax increase was expected
Letter To The Editor

From Tom Heine


To the Editor: 

From first reading that some people feel they were mislead about the High School referendum and its cost I was surprised and saddened. This project should be something we all celebrate as it shows our commitment to our children and the future. The costs, land purchase and newly assessed homes may or may not be separate issues.

When our home was assessed at a higher value I was happy and expected my taxes to go up. That’s just a given. If there are surprises in that, there shouldn’t be as we all expect our taxes to go down some if our homes are assessed at lower than market value.

If the school Board and administration missed something in laying out the scenario for funding and building, then I expect them to fully explain that to the community, not just a small group. It’s not problematical for me if we don’t build on the North side, there’s plenty of land behind the High School now.