From Beth Francik
To the Editor:
The school referendum passed so why are we here? I think that is an important point to consider. We are here because the public was given false and misleading information about the true property tax impact of this referendum in order to assure that it be passed. Because of that it did not reflect the will of the voters. That is the bottom line.
The November School Referendum passed with 3741 voting YES and 3121 voting NO. That is 6862 voters who cared enough to cast a vote. A total of 3121 of those voters were a ‘hard’ NO, despite the misleading and totally false price tag of ONLY $13 per $100,000. I think that should give everyone something to consider. These NO votes show that there were plenty of other objections to this referendum other than cost. How many voters were swayed because of that attractive price tag and voted yes? How many voters thought, wow, we can get an $88 million new high school for only $13 per $100,000? Unfortunately, this will never be known. It reminds me of the old adage that I taught my children; If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, and you better find out the catch.
Had the true financial impact been given to the community, I don’t believe the referendum would have passed. It’s just not affordable for the community. At that point, the BOE and Administration would have gone back to the drawing board and put together a plan that the community could get behind, support, and afford. There is no question that there is a need for a new high school.
We were denied an honestly conducted referendum because it was based on false and misleading information that was fed to the community. It doesn’t matter if your vote was YES or NO, everyone should be appalled and outraged that this was even allowed to happen. What WE allow will continue and this should not be allowed.
On March 8, we are faced with a Special Meeting of Electors to vote on the acquisition of property on County Rd DR on which to build a new High School. After attending several School Board Meetings, attending the presentation regarding the plans for the new school, and witnessing the attitude of our BOE and Administrators, I will be voting no. Community trust has been broken.