From Don Foy
La Farge
To the Editor:
There are many good reasons to vote for Judge Susan Crawford in the April 1 Wisconsin Supreme Court race. She has experience as a prosecutor, lawyer, and Circuit Court Judge, and supports public schools, women’s rights, workers’ rights and environmental protections, all of which are under attack.
An excellent reason to support Susan Crawford is her opponent, Brad Schimel: Brad Schimel’s record as attorney general under former Governor Walker is revealing. Schimel helped engineer the crippling of Wisconsin’s campaign finance standards, resulting in the ridiculously expensive campaigns in Wisconsin. He sued to kill the Affordable Care Act, including its protections for people with pre-existing conditions. He hid behind anti-environment legislation from the Republican-dominated legislature to strip the DNR of authority to monitor high-capacity wells impact on the level of lakes, streams, and ground water. Similarly, He argued for Wisconsin’s “Right to Work” law, which aimed to, and did, hurt protections for workers. He famously accepted a grant of $4 million to have over 6,000 untested rape kits processed, but a year later, not one had been tested, allowing perpetrators to remain free.
Schimel’s anti-people, anti-government, pro-billionaire pro-Trump goals and distortions are destructive for Wisconsin. Vote for Susan Crawford.