From N. J. Burhans
To the Editor:
I am writing to remind everyone that there is an important election on April 1. We have school board members-3, Superintendent of Schools, and Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice races to vote on. There is also a constitutional amendment question as to whether we make photo voter identification constitutionally required throughout Wisconsin.
These are very important races and the outcomes will definitely affect our lives. These races are non-partisan which makes it extremely important that voters seek to know the positions of each candidate and their past histories. That information cannot be gained by listening to the TV attack ads. Please visit each candidate’s web site and
There is a Monroe School Board forum on line which will show you what school board candidates feel important to them
Please do your due diligence so you can cast an informed vote!
After doing my research, I am comfortable with these candidates: For the Monroe School board: Nick Baker, Stephen Mayer, Caleb Ahrens or Mike Davis (you do not have to vote for 3 if you cannot find three that you consider qualified) For Superintendent of Schools: Brittany Kinser For Wisconsin Supreme Court: Brad Schimel and YES on the constitutional amendment.
A note about the Court race-If Brad Schimel loses, there will likely be a House of Representatives district gerrymandering which could easily mean a loss of the House by conservatives in 2026.