From Jeanne Ausmus
To the Editor:
I found Craig Nolen’s “Guest View” to be very disturbing. He presented himself as an expert, but then fabricated facts.
I’m a supporter of Jane Bucher but not a registered Democrat. I’ve known her for 6 years, and have found her to be a wise, committed and honest woman. [I was] unable to contribute to her campaign, and collected signatures for Jane.
Craig criticized her from having “40 out of county contributors,” some I know are relatives. One still co-owns a Green County “100 year” family farm.
He has no reason to speculate that Jane’s election would be “a concern for public safety.” And also no reason to expect her “to be reluctant to impose appropriate sentences.” Her 10 years at the P O office gave her experience and knowledge. As the wife of a Gr. Co. businessman and a mother of 2 sons, she has good reasons to keep the county safe for all.