From Celia Keen
To the editor:
In regard to the vote to support Pleasant View Nursing Home, I was thinking of who we are as a people. We, as Green County residents, and in the broader context, Americans, are people who look out for each other. We cannot lose sight of the fact, that how we treat the weakest of us, is a true indicator of who we are.
For several years now, I have had the opportunity, privilege, and yes, sometimes difficult obligation to walk beside elderly loved ones. One thing I have seen is that everyone needs a buddy when they are weak and weary. And yet, the reality is before us that there are people that have no one to help them when the roadblocks to home care are too large to overcome. Although these people are in their weakest season, they still have names, and feelings and histories just like we all do. They are valuable because they are part of us as a community and nation. Our heritage rests on this pillar, that all us, by God's design, are valuable from the beginning to end of life. That is why we have a county nursing home in the fist place: To provide a place for people who need care. It is an act of compassion to have such a place.
This is where you and I come in. If you've never voted before, this is a good time to start. Let's keep Pleasant View Nursing Home supported and improving. Vote Aug. 12.
To the editor:
In regard to the vote to support Pleasant View Nursing Home, I was thinking of who we are as a people. We, as Green County residents, and in the broader context, Americans, are people who look out for each other. We cannot lose sight of the fact, that how we treat the weakest of us, is a true indicator of who we are.
For several years now, I have had the opportunity, privilege, and yes, sometimes difficult obligation to walk beside elderly loved ones. One thing I have seen is that everyone needs a buddy when they are weak and weary. And yet, the reality is before us that there are people that have no one to help them when the roadblocks to home care are too large to overcome. Although these people are in their weakest season, they still have names, and feelings and histories just like we all do. They are valuable because they are part of us as a community and nation. Our heritage rests on this pillar, that all us, by God's design, are valuable from the beginning to end of life. That is why we have a county nursing home in the fist place: To provide a place for people who need care. It is an act of compassion to have such a place.
This is where you and I come in. If you've never voted before, this is a good time to start. Let's keep Pleasant View Nursing Home supported and improving. Vote Aug. 12.