To the editor:
Money in politics. We hear those words nearly every day, often accompanied by statements declaring that nothing can (or should) be done about it. However, most Americans don't want to hear reasons why they should do nothing when they, very clearly, see that our democracy is in trouble. Both progressive and conservative citizens understand that our politicians are owned by their funders. All polls regarding the impact of money in politics show that 80 percent to 90 percent of Americans understand that this money is destroying their power and rights to govern. The amazing success of Donald Trump demonstrates that conservatives are as tired of this corruption as are progressives.
We are in the middle of the most dysfunctional presidential election in memory. People want change.
Dozens of Wisconsin communities have voted to call for passing the "We the People" amendment, with "yes" votes averaging 75 percent. We Wisconsinites understand that if we are to reclaim our democracy from the moneyed interests, it will take drastic action. Citizens are tired of the excuses being made for their loss of opportunity, economic security and freedoms to those who corrupt and control our politicians.
The grassroots, non-partisan movement United to Amend has helped to pass 61 resolutions in Wisconsin (over 680 nationally) and eleven more communities will pass it on April 5. Four of these communities are in Green County. All of them will pass this resolution because people get it.
If you live in Monroe, Brodhead, the Town of York or the Town of Clarno, we hope you will join the growing movement that will get the "We the People" amendment passed - and reclaim our power and hope. Please vote "yes" on April 5.