From The Green County Play-A-Thon teachers: Julie Zimmerman, Ann Uresk, Mary Soddy, Gwen Shaker, Dawn Jordan, Carolyn Hilliard and Rita Farris
To the editor:
The Green County Piano Teachers want to extend a thank you to the many who helped make Saturday's Piano Play-A-Thon a successful event:
To the Monroe Shopko for hosting this unique experience,
To Mark Scheppele for tuning and bringing the piano,
To the students for practicing and performing their music to entertain the shoppers from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
To the Dairy Queens for their presence in distributing Green County cheese to everyone entering the store,
To the student parents for their encouragement,
To RBS for the T-shirt design,
To all the performers,
To those who donated funds which will be divided among the Monroe Arts Center, the five Green County libraries, and the 2018 ensemble recital.
To the editor:
The Green County Piano Teachers want to extend a thank you to the many who helped make Saturday's Piano Play-A-Thon a successful event:
To the Monroe Shopko for hosting this unique experience,
To Mark Scheppele for tuning and bringing the piano,
To the students for practicing and performing their music to entertain the shoppers from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
To the Dairy Queens for their presence in distributing Green County cheese to everyone entering the store,
To the student parents for their encouragement,
To RBS for the T-shirt design,
To all the performers,
To those who donated funds which will be divided among the Monroe Arts Center, the five Green County libraries, and the 2018 ensemble recital.