From Steve Allen
To the editor:
This is the time of year when people reflect on the birth of Jesus. The Story of Jesus is important to Christians and Christians alone. The Jews nor Muslims recognize Christ as nothing more than a misguided prophet and both deny His resurrection.
Jesus not only preached a message of love, but a message of righteousness, hard sayings that many to this day cannot accept.
While the Bible teaches that God is omnipotent, there is only one place He resides. Since the advent of The Holy Spirit, He lives in the hearts of true believers in Jesus Christ. Jesus said if you love me keep My commandments, this is only possible through the indwelling of The Holy Spirit. Neither Jews or Muslims meet the criteria.
Only Jews, Muslims and liberal theologians disagree as to who Jesus is. Christians however do not and many throughout history and today have given their lives in defense of the gospel and Jesus Christ. Today the persecution is mostly at the hands of Muslims and communists. Intolerance of another's religious views have never led true followers of Jesus to violence against anyone, not the case with Islam.
President Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is only contentious to those who want to keep it divided.
The need to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital is what the Jewish state has wanted for years and means the city will not be divided. As to Jerusalem itself It has been recognized as the capital of Israel for some 3000 years made so by King David. The city was also known as The City of God, The City of The Lord of hosts, The City of The Great King, The City of David and Zion. Jerusalem was chosen by God as His place of habitation at the time. Would Jesus claim it as Israel's capital? Seems He already did.
President Trumps words will not start a holy war, Islam has already taken care of that and is committed to the destruction of Israel and the United States. The violence is near a daily occurrence for Israel by the Palestinians. With missiles supplied by their Muslim allies. Russian recognition of Jerusalem, half Jewish, half Palestinian, is of little consequence since they are allied with terrorist nations. What else would they do?
To the editor:
This is the time of year when people reflect on the birth of Jesus. The Story of Jesus is important to Christians and Christians alone. The Jews nor Muslims recognize Christ as nothing more than a misguided prophet and both deny His resurrection.
Jesus not only preached a message of love, but a message of righteousness, hard sayings that many to this day cannot accept.
While the Bible teaches that God is omnipotent, there is only one place He resides. Since the advent of The Holy Spirit, He lives in the hearts of true believers in Jesus Christ. Jesus said if you love me keep My commandments, this is only possible through the indwelling of The Holy Spirit. Neither Jews or Muslims meet the criteria.
Only Jews, Muslims and liberal theologians disagree as to who Jesus is. Christians however do not and many throughout history and today have given their lives in defense of the gospel and Jesus Christ. Today the persecution is mostly at the hands of Muslims and communists. Intolerance of another's religious views have never led true followers of Jesus to violence against anyone, not the case with Islam.
President Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is only contentious to those who want to keep it divided.
The need to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital is what the Jewish state has wanted for years and means the city will not be divided. As to Jerusalem itself It has been recognized as the capital of Israel for some 3000 years made so by King David. The city was also known as The City of God, The City of The Lord of hosts, The City of The Great King, The City of David and Zion. Jerusalem was chosen by God as His place of habitation at the time. Would Jesus claim it as Israel's capital? Seems He already did.
President Trumps words will not start a holy war, Islam has already taken care of that and is committed to the destruction of Israel and the United States. The violence is near a daily occurrence for Israel by the Palestinians. With missiles supplied by their Muslim allies. Russian recognition of Jerusalem, half Jewish, half Palestinian, is of little consequence since they are allied with terrorist nations. What else would they do?