From Dan Gartzke
New Glarus
To the editor:
I am writing in support of the New Glarus Good Friday blood drive set for 1 to 5 on the afternoon of Friday, April 3, 2015 sponsored by the Shepherd of the Hills Church in New Glarus and held at the New Glarus Bible Church, 207 Sixth St., New Glarus.
I remember when I was a kid admiring my grandfather's 10-gallon blood donor pin he earned during World War II. He was an engineer with the phone company and "did his part" every chance he could. It impressed me so much that I participated in the first college blood drive available. I fainted dead away that first time, and even the second time, but I kept coming back and I'm pleased to report that with my next donation I will be earning my second 10-gallon pin. I say "second" because I already have a 12-gallon pin but my records were lost at some point and I had to re-start.
I'm also proud to state that all of our children regularly donate blood. In fact, at least one of them will be coming with me on April 3 to make a donation. And in honor of my second 10-gallon pin, I am working to recruit at least an extra 10 donors for this event.
The blood supply is like our justice system; you hope you never need it, but you want to know that when you do need it, it will be clean and untainted, and of highest quality. Won't you join me and the many other volunteers in making sure that we can all rely on a good blood supply? Please come to the New Glarus Bible Church us on Friday, April 3 and take an hour or so to help save lives. You can schedule your appointment by calling 800-733-2767 or visit redcrossblood. org.
Thank you.
New Glarus
To the editor:
I am writing in support of the New Glarus Good Friday blood drive set for 1 to 5 on the afternoon of Friday, April 3, 2015 sponsored by the Shepherd of the Hills Church in New Glarus and held at the New Glarus Bible Church, 207 Sixth St., New Glarus.
I remember when I was a kid admiring my grandfather's 10-gallon blood donor pin he earned during World War II. He was an engineer with the phone company and "did his part" every chance he could. It impressed me so much that I participated in the first college blood drive available. I fainted dead away that first time, and even the second time, but I kept coming back and I'm pleased to report that with my next donation I will be earning my second 10-gallon pin. I say "second" because I already have a 12-gallon pin but my records were lost at some point and I had to re-start.
I'm also proud to state that all of our children regularly donate blood. In fact, at least one of them will be coming with me on April 3 to make a donation. And in honor of my second 10-gallon pin, I am working to recruit at least an extra 10 donors for this event.
The blood supply is like our justice system; you hope you never need it, but you want to know that when you do need it, it will be clean and untainted, and of highest quality. Won't you join me and the many other volunteers in making sure that we can all rely on a good blood supply? Please come to the New Glarus Bible Church us on Friday, April 3 and take an hour or so to help save lives. You can schedule your appointment by calling 800-733-2767 or visit redcrossblood. org.
Thank you.