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Letter to the editor: All of us need health care
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From LaVern F. Isely


To the editor:

Donald Trump is our 45th president. He gave a fair speech trying to make himself look good but he didn't give a great speech because he didn't say anything about what he was going to do to replace Obamacare. One of the first things he did was sign a bill to get rid of Obamacare, even though people have until the end of January to sign up and they are doing it.

Obamacare is not as good as the Socialist countries like Canada with single payer but it is better than what the Republicans have on the books which is nothing up to the time Trump took office, otherwise, he would have mentioned it.

I hope they don't go back to what the Republicans used to have which the Democrats called the "donut hole" which doesn't cover any pre-existing conditions from childhood to age 65. I heard of a family that moved up to Canada because their child couldn't get healthcare and I imagine that happened more than once.

Since Trump said he's president of all the people, he's going to have to talk about things like healthcare and not dismantling NATO and the United Nations. Since we're all in this together and I'm not Trump's slave, it's going to be the role of the media to bring out the differences between the Democrats and Republicans.

No one has done this any better than Megyn Kelly did and she wrote it up in her new book "Settle for More" that's just been released. She talked on the Dr. Phil show on Jan. 20 on the same day that the inauguration took place.

She has a high-rated program on FOX and she doesn't run away from the tough questions, particularly the role of women in our society today.

Kelly got into it with Trump during the Republican primary debates. Also with Roger Ailes of Fox cable concerning sexual harassment because of the number of women Ailes exploited. To Rupert Murdoch's credit, he did fire him.

It's going to be interesting who the Democrats in Wisconsin are going to run next year to try to probably beat Gov. Walker.

On a national level, in two years from now, Democrats are hopefully going to have a number of candidates for president and I would personally like to see Sen. Elizabeth Warren run because she is on the Senate Banking Committee.