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Letter to the Editor: Administration should think about message
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From Tony and Penny Monahan


To the editor:

The events recently regarding the Argyle softball team has caused us some great concern regarding Argyle schools administration's decisions and guidance. If a coach feels it warranted to discipline a player for lack of respect, lack of proper attitude and/or dedication to the team, then administration should respect and back that decision of the coach.

Coach Treuthardt found it necessary to discipline a player to uphold the athletic code of conduct of respect, dedication, loyalty, commitment and hard work. Argyle administration listened to the complaints of the parents and suspended Coach Treuthardt and overturned the disciplinary action while he was suspended. There is nothing wrong with a coach asking his players to "step up." The players should do just that, as this is their job as an athlete.

The message that Argyle's administration just sent to these athletes causes great concern. This action sends a message to all young athletes that it is not necessary to hold themselves to that code of conduct. The actions also indicate you can be disrespectful to your coach, consequently disrespecting your teammates and you don't even have to apologize for your actions to your teammates - you actually get rewarded for your bad behavior by being able to play and not having to at least be suspended from one game, whereas Coach Treuthardt is suspended from coaching, the job he was hired to do.

We commend Coach Treuthardt for his attempt to hold his players to that athletic code of conduct and the standards of respect, dedication and teamwork which is what extracurricular activities were meant to do.

Argyle school administration, think about what you are teaching our children.