As a nurse for more than 30 years, I've seen the health care crisis first-hand and throughout my campaign to represent the 80th Assembly District, I have heard about people's frustration with the current system. Simply having high-quality health care for some residents, while others have nothing, is unacceptable.
We know the current health care system does not meet the needs of all of our citizens. At least 12 percent of our fellow Green County residents have been without health insurance for the past year. How many more have insurance, but face huge out-of-pocket costs?
I think it is wrong for anyone who works hard, pays taxes and plays by the rules to go without decent, affordable health care. People ought to be able to take their children to a doctor, and those who are retired, ill, or temporarily out of work shouldn't risk losing their life savings because someone in their family gets sick.
The reality is middle class Wisconsinites are getting squeezed. It isn't right that people have to think twice before switching jobs or starting a business because they're worried they won't be able to get health insurance. We need comprehensive health care reform, not just a Band-Aid. That means putting government to work for taxpayers again, not for special interests, by requiring insurance companies to put more investments into patient care and less into efforts to deny care.
We need legislation that prevents insurance companies from excluding patients because of "pre-existing conditions." We deserve to have choices among plans so we can decide what's best for our own families, including the choice to keep our current doctor.
Small business owners also would like to provide health care to their employees, but the costs can be crippling in these tough economic times. There are solutions to this crisis, but special interests have been able to keep these proposals from seeing the light of day. For example, our Republican State Representative Brett Davis wouldn't allow legislation to even come up for a vote which would give small businesses the opportunity to purchase the same health care that he as a legislator gives himself.
And what about big businesses paying their fair share? Republican Davis again voted against even allowing a vote on a bill that would have required big businesses to offer coverage to their employees instead of having middle class taxpayers pay the tab.
Why is it that one of the top concerns I hear from neighbors when I'm knocking on doors is the cost of health care, yet legislators have done nothing to address it? Brett Davis and the Republican-controlled Assembly have repeatedly blocked any kind of real reform. I'm running for Assembly because I want to bring needed change to Madison, holding legislators accountable to the people rather than big business and special interests and I will work for real solutions to the health care crisis.
With your help, we can elect to the Assembly a Democrat, nurse and leader who is willing to make health care a priority. I pledge my experience, support and ideas to this much-needed reform. The time is now. We cannot afford to continue on the same path for another two years.
I want to hear from you, and answer any questions you may have. Please contact me at
- Kris Wisnefske, RN, is a Monroe resident and a Democratic candidate in the state's 80th Assembly District.
We know the current health care system does not meet the needs of all of our citizens. At least 12 percent of our fellow Green County residents have been without health insurance for the past year. How many more have insurance, but face huge out-of-pocket costs?
I think it is wrong for anyone who works hard, pays taxes and plays by the rules to go without decent, affordable health care. People ought to be able to take their children to a doctor, and those who are retired, ill, or temporarily out of work shouldn't risk losing their life savings because someone in their family gets sick.
The reality is middle class Wisconsinites are getting squeezed. It isn't right that people have to think twice before switching jobs or starting a business because they're worried they won't be able to get health insurance. We need comprehensive health care reform, not just a Band-Aid. That means putting government to work for taxpayers again, not for special interests, by requiring insurance companies to put more investments into patient care and less into efforts to deny care.
We need legislation that prevents insurance companies from excluding patients because of "pre-existing conditions." We deserve to have choices among plans so we can decide what's best for our own families, including the choice to keep our current doctor.
Small business owners also would like to provide health care to their employees, but the costs can be crippling in these tough economic times. There are solutions to this crisis, but special interests have been able to keep these proposals from seeing the light of day. For example, our Republican State Representative Brett Davis wouldn't allow legislation to even come up for a vote which would give small businesses the opportunity to purchase the same health care that he as a legislator gives himself.
And what about big businesses paying their fair share? Republican Davis again voted against even allowing a vote on a bill that would have required big businesses to offer coverage to their employees instead of having middle class taxpayers pay the tab.
Why is it that one of the top concerns I hear from neighbors when I'm knocking on doors is the cost of health care, yet legislators have done nothing to address it? Brett Davis and the Republican-controlled Assembly have repeatedly blocked any kind of real reform. I'm running for Assembly because I want to bring needed change to Madison, holding legislators accountable to the people rather than big business and special interests and I will work for real solutions to the health care crisis.
With your help, we can elect to the Assembly a Democrat, nurse and leader who is willing to make health care a priority. I pledge my experience, support and ideas to this much-needed reform. The time is now. We cannot afford to continue on the same path for another two years.
I want to hear from you, and answer any questions you may have. Please contact me at
- Kris Wisnefske, RN, is a Monroe resident and a Democratic candidate in the state's 80th Assembly District.