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Further history of The American Legion
Lafayette Co. American Legion: Did you know?

The history of The American Legion and its accomplishments is extensive. We have tried to touch a little of the history in our previous letters and we will continue to try and fill in some of the accomplishments of The American Legion at the National, State, County and Post levels.  As an organization you are not around for over 100 years without doing some great things for Veterans, Communities and Families. We left off in 1932 with the formation of The Sons of the American Legion, an organization formed to keep up the programs of The American Legion.

June 23rd, 1935

Badger Boys State convenes in Springfield, Illinois for the first time.  Badger Boys State was founded to help youths gain an understanding of the structure 1938and operation of the Federal Government.  49 of the 50 States send young men to Badger Boys State each summer.

June 1st, 1938

The first Annual National High School Oratorical Scholarship Contest is held in Norman, Oklahoma.  Each year thousands of students give speeches on their knowledge and appreciation of the U.S. Constitution.  Scholarships monies are earned at each level of the competition with the National Winner receiving a $25,000 Scholarship.

September 19th, 1942

The Preamble to the Constitution is changed for the first time.  The word “War” is changed to “Wars”.

December 15th, 1943

Past National Commander Harry W. Colmery starts to write in long hand on the Mayflower Hotel stationary in Washington D.C. the first draft of what would later become the “G.I. Bill of Rights”.

June 22nd, 1944

President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs into law the original G.I. Bill or Serviceman’s Readjustment Act.

May 29th, 1946

The American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary present a small struggling organization called the American Heart Association with a $50,000.  The grant inaugurates a nationwide program to study prevention and treatment of rheumatic heart disease.

May 4th, 1950

The American Legion votes ‘to contribute to the field of Mental Heath thereby playing a key role in launching the National Association for Mental Health.

July 9th, 1954

The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation is formed.  Millions of dollars have been awarded to youth organizations and project designed to help American Children.

September 1st, 1966

The Legion voices great concern over the fates of Prisoners of War in Vietnam.  Today the Legion urges a full accounting of all POW’s and troops missing in action and has formed a special group from among the nations major veterans organizations to continue pressing for further resolution of this issue.

August 24th, 1969

The Legion’s National Executive Committee established the National Emergency Fund as a result of the effects of Hurricane Camile.

We are into 1969 and we have not touched all the Legion has accomplished. In the coming letters we will touch on the Legion in Wisconsin, the Posts in Lafayette County and the work of County Veteran Service Officers in the Counties.

— Dan O’Brien is the Vice Commander of the Lafayette County American Legion.