To the editor:
Can there be a more proud time to be a Wisconsinite than right now at this time in history? Just a few short months ago, and over the last year and a half, I have to admit, I was really struggling with it. With all the protesting and the recalls and state Congressmen fleeing the state, I, like many others, were very worried that we would go the way of Illinois. But Scott Walker prevailed, thanks to the people of this great state, who could see through all the fire and smoke thrown out by the left. As if that wasn't enough, now our very own Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan, from our next door neighbor, Janesville, has been chosen to run with Republican presidential candidate, Gov. Mitt Romney as his vice presidential candidate.
With the battleship Wisconsin as the backdrop, again I ask, can there be a more proud time to be a Wisconsinite? Congratulations Congressman Ryan. You have proven through your years of service as congressman to be more than worthy for this role and the economic challenges that lie ahead for this country. We can thank God for good, honest, God-fearing men like yourself and Gov. Romney, who are willing to take up this daunting task of leading this great country back to it's place as "The shining city on the hill." That alone is daunting enough, let alone the gauntlet of attack ads that this "no-lie-is-too-low-to-throw-at-the-wall-to-see-what-sticks" president will throw at them. Gird your loins and put on your gas masks Wisconsin, because the next 90 days will be very ugly. But come Nov. 6, join with me to answer the question that I started this letter with, and make Gov. Mitt Romney and Congressman Paul Ryan our next president and vice president of these United States because the course and the direction of this country and of freedom itself really do hang in the balance. If this president gets four more years without the fear of an election, this country may never recover.
Can there be a more proud time to be a Wisconsinite than right now at this time in history? Just a few short months ago, and over the last year and a half, I have to admit, I was really struggling with it. With all the protesting and the recalls and state Congressmen fleeing the state, I, like many others, were very worried that we would go the way of Illinois. But Scott Walker prevailed, thanks to the people of this great state, who could see through all the fire and smoke thrown out by the left. As if that wasn't enough, now our very own Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan, from our next door neighbor, Janesville, has been chosen to run with Republican presidential candidate, Gov. Mitt Romney as his vice presidential candidate.
With the battleship Wisconsin as the backdrop, again I ask, can there be a more proud time to be a Wisconsinite? Congratulations Congressman Ryan. You have proven through your years of service as congressman to be more than worthy for this role and the economic challenges that lie ahead for this country. We can thank God for good, honest, God-fearing men like yourself and Gov. Romney, who are willing to take up this daunting task of leading this great country back to it's place as "The shining city on the hill." That alone is daunting enough, let alone the gauntlet of attack ads that this "no-lie-is-too-low-to-throw-at-the-wall-to-see-what-sticks" president will throw at them. Gird your loins and put on your gas masks Wisconsin, because the next 90 days will be very ugly. But come Nov. 6, join with me to answer the question that I started this letter with, and make Gov. Mitt Romney and Congressman Paul Ryan our next president and vice president of these United States because the course and the direction of this country and of freedom itself really do hang in the balance. If this president gets four more years without the fear of an election, this country may never recover.