Another barb against the Brodhead Historic Preservation Commission. >We are about to lose another house in the proposed Brodhead North Residential Historic District. This is thanks to the do-nothing Brodhead Historic Preservation Commission. The United Methodist Church has purchased another house and is going to tear it down. The Brodhead North Residential Historic District was deemed eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, but we are losing so many contributing houses that it may, if hasn't already, become ineligible. Also, a barb against Mayor Doug Pinnow >for reappointing obstructionists to the Brodhead Historic Preservation Commission.
Another barb against the City of Brodhead, >and in particular Mayor Doug Pinnow and the City Council, for allowing another summer to go by without replacing or have property owners replace notoriously bad sidewalks in Brodhead.
A barb against those that block sidewalks >by parking their vehicle across or on the sidewalk or leave other things that on sidewalks, such as skateboard ramps for people to trip over in the dark while walking. - Dave Searles, Brodhead>
Two special blossoms: For Maurice's >in Monroe for awarding $500 to the Green County Humane Society, celebrating the anniversary of their store in the West Court Mall, and to Curves of Monroe >for donating hundreds of list items to the GCHS that were collected throughout the month of August. - Geri Bartholf>
We would like to send a big blossom to two churches >in our area for donating school supplies to our unit so that they could be dispersed to low-income children. Many thanks and lots of blossoms to Collette Wyttenbach and members and friends from the Peace Lutheran Church in Monroe and to Barb Duerst, members and friends of the Zwingli United Church of Christ in Monticello and their Vacation Bible School. Thank you all for remembering these children. - The Economic Support Unit of Green County Human Services: Jeannie Blumer, Kelli Boss, Linda Gallagher, Kathy Gempeler, Kathy Grossen, Tammy Haring, Jenni Pryce, Shelly Ray, Linda Trumpy, and Mary Ubert.>
A barb to an organization that usually deserves many blossoms - the Green County Humane Society. >Please reconsider walking the dogs in the Cheese Days parade. I think this would be very traumatizing to these poor animals. The crowd is overbearing to people, let alone to poor animals. I think all the noise and confusion would be very upsetting to these poor dogs. Why not create a humane society float, with pictures of all the available animals for adoption? Thank you! - Sharon>
Blossoms to the State of Wisconsin. >Almost all voting machines in Wisconsin use paper ballots or optical scan ballots, the two voting systems that are recommended by most empirical studies. Your Wisconsin leaders want all eligible voters to cast their votes in its elections. Voting is a fundamental right of Wisconsin citizens, including those with handicaps and disabilities. Resolve all your registration problems early. Here's a link to check your voter status and accuracy of information. Go to: This link will let you enter first, last name and DOB to see if your address is registered correctly and if your status is active. Another good link is: Wisconsin had the second highest voter turnout rate among all states during the 2004 election. Let's set a record this year! - L Holmstrom>
A blossom to the Times >for allowing everyone's opinions, which we can learn from. By complainints and feedback, you helped the public to understand the beef farmers are only promoting their product, not making money, doing the Great Steak Out suppers yearly. Thanks to volunteers who make it possible. Everyone now knows you can exchange your steak if unsatisfied. But the important thing no one mentioned: No $6 tip is expected, and isn't it great meeting friends? - Anonymous>
Blossoms, blossoms, blossoms to The Monroe Times. >I just wanted to thank the Monroe Times for sponsoring the United States Air Force Band of Mid-America. It was a wonderful concert, very inspiring and wonderful to see. Really appreciated all of the hard work and time that went into planning and implementing this. - Sue Appell, Brodhead>
A blossom to Mark Hawthorne and the organizers of the Fall Nationals Tractor pull >and to all of its sponsors. Their generosity again proves why Green County and the surrounding area are so awesome and amazing to be part of.
A blossom to all who got out and voted >in the primaries. I heard a few people say that the voting that day is not as important as the actual election. I disagree and you have the right to vote so why not exercise it?!
A blossom again to all the volunteers and sponsors of Cheese Days. >It is coming up in less then a week and sounds like things are going good. ... Keep up the good work everyone.
A blossom to the Monroe School District >for being fiscally responsible and fiscally sound for the start of the school year. With the referendum being a controversial as it was, it is great to see how good things are going right now.
A barb to the drivers >who continue to pass farm equipment on the road in no passing zones, not only is it un safe, it is ILLEGAL. Slow down, take your time, they are just doing their job. Let them do it safe!
And a blossom to all the businesses on the Square >making their shops and store fronts look nice. ... Our visitors for Cheese Days will be quite impressed I am sure. - Jeff Ditzenberger, Monticello>