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Blossoms & Barbs: May 26, 2012
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A huge bouquet of blossoms to area Brownies, Girls Scouts, leaders, and parents and to all Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scouts and leaders. Through the effort of approximately 50 area Scouts, more than 1,600 memorial wreaths were made. They will be placed on each veteran's grave on Memorial Day at Greenwood Cemetery and area cemeteries. Scouts and leaders will assist the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars squads with placing memorial wreaths. - Zilmer-Riley American Legion Auxiliary Unit No 84 and the Ladies Auxiliary to Cecil Jones Post 2311, Monroe


Blossoms to the Monroe United Methodist Church for allowing the scouts to assemble the memorial wreaths in Fellowship Hall for this worthwhile project. - Donna Douglas, President, Zilmer-Riley American Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 84.


A big blossom to Scott Walker and our current state legislators. Because of all the most-needed changes they made a year ago for our state, our school board was able to shop around for our school district's health insurance carrier and thus save us, the hard-working taxpayers, $800,000 next school year alone on just this one item. - Grateful taxpayer


A big blossom to Kris Wisnefske (Parish Nurse Monroe Clinic) for her presentation on Women and Heart Disease, and to Chief Dan Nufer (Green County EMS) on Thursday, May 17 during Women's Health Week. - Karen Nufer