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Unveiling of plans for Square on Sept. 25
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MONROE - Design plans for Monroe's historic downtown Square redevelopment need one more public presentation before hitting the drafting table.

Ryan Wilson, vice-chair of the Monroe Main Street Board of Directors, laid out two preliminary progress diagrams from Mahan Rykiel Associates at the monthly board meeting Monday night. Mahan Rykiel is a planning and design firm providing consulting and design services.

Differences in the preliminary diagrams of phase one, the outer perimeter of the Square, showed the slight variations suggested at a previous presentation. For example, in one diagram, trees are clustered at the corners of the block, in the other, trees are spread more evenly along an entire block.

Wilson said "relatively minor choices" in other items, such as planters and paving, will be part of the next presentation on Sept. 25 at the Monroe Arts Center. Decisions about the height of the trees and street lighting have already been approved.

After the September presentation, Mahan Rykiel will finalize the design for Fehr-Graham and Associates to begin its work drafting in utilities, old coal bins and other underground construction features.

Fehr-Graham teamed up with Mahan Rykiel in April to put together the redevelopment proposal accepted by Monroe Main Street. Mahan Rykiel was involved with Arnett Muldrow & Associates, which did a survey of downtown last year and created a plan to revitalize it.

According to Monroe Main Street Executive Director Barb Nelson, Mahan Rykiel will make three presentations on Sept. 25, for final input.

A presentation at 11:30 a.m. will be made to the city and Monroe Main Street board. A 4:30 p.m. presentation will be for the Monroe Main Street committees and community partners. A 7:30 p.m. presentation will be directed toward business owners and the general public.

All presentations will be at the Monroe Arts Center and are open to the public.

If Fehr-Graham & Associates can have the plan by Dec. 1, final drafting could possibly be finished by the end of February or the first part of March, which "is just about the last part of the prime bidding season," Wilson said.

Board Chairman David Riese reiterated the concern of not letting construction interrupt business in the downtown stores.

"We can't allow that to happen," he said.

Wilson said that the downtown construction could be made an attraction, rather than a disruption. Mayor Ron Marsh suggested the idea was something the Promotion Committee, chaired by Joanne Leuenberger, could start working on right away.

Wilson also said the entire Square would not be done at one time. One or two sides would be re-done at a time, and traffic to downtown would still be able to access the inner lanes of the Square.