MONROE - The details are in the works, but if all the city insurance liabilities can be worked out, Monroe residents may find a Boy Scout picking up their yard waste.
"As a volunteer organization, they are covered as long as they stay within the scope and duties assigned," Mayor Ron Marsh told the Board of Public Works on Monday.
Street Department Supervisor Tom Boll has been asked why the city has no yard waste dropoff site. He said one of the biggest problems has been the labor to man the program.
But that may all change if Boy Scout troops can use the work as a Service Badge project.
Mike Kennison, a troop leader, suggested the idea.
Kennison said the troops would collect bags of branches, leaves and grass clippings once a month and transport them to a location designated by the city.
Such a project could be scheduled for May through September.
Boll said it might be possible for the Scouts to empty the bags into a dumpster by the Street Department compound. The city would be responsible for emptying the dumpster.
Kennison said he would contact the three Boy Scout troops in the city and see if he could get together five to eight boys and two leaders for each pickup date.
Board members wasted no time in allowing the project.
"Let's give it a try and see how it goes," Alderman Chuck Koch said.
"As a volunteer organization, they are covered as long as they stay within the scope and duties assigned," Mayor Ron Marsh told the Board of Public Works on Monday.
Street Department Supervisor Tom Boll has been asked why the city has no yard waste dropoff site. He said one of the biggest problems has been the labor to man the program.
But that may all change if Boy Scout troops can use the work as a Service Badge project.
Mike Kennison, a troop leader, suggested the idea.
Kennison said the troops would collect bags of branches, leaves and grass clippings once a month and transport them to a location designated by the city.
Such a project could be scheduled for May through September.
Boll said it might be possible for the Scouts to empty the bags into a dumpster by the Street Department compound. The city would be responsible for emptying the dumpster.
Kennison said he would contact the three Boy Scout troops in the city and see if he could get together five to eight boys and two leaders for each pickup date.
Board members wasted no time in allowing the project.
"Let's give it a try and see how it goes," Alderman Chuck Koch said.