MONROE — The Monroe Street Department will begin sealing the decorative concrete on the inside and outside of the Square on Aug. 22. Sealing maintenance of the decorative concrete is done every-other year and aligns with the Green County Cheese Days event.
In order for the Street Department to safely work on this project and complete it in a timely manner, portions of the Square will be closed during the work process, which will take place Aug. 22-25.
The project could move into the following week if inclement weather hampers the project.
The department asks the public to be mindful of the work. Any questions or concerns can be directed to 608-329-2490.
Work Schedule/Projects:
Monday, Aug. 22
● Entire inside of the Square closed.
● Whitney Tree Service trimming trees on the courthouse lawn.
● Time permitting, Street Department will be using the flusher truck to clean the stamped concrete.
Tuesday, Aug. 23:
● Street Department flushing stamped concrete/sealing stamped concrete inside lanes of the Square.
Wednesday, Aug. 24:
● Street Department finishing inside of the Square
● Street Department transition to shutting down outside of the Square
● Flushing outside of the Square
Thursday, Aug. 25
● Street Department flushing stamped concrete/sealing stamped concrete on outside of the Square
● If no weather events, work should be completed.