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Sex offender in Monroe
MONROE - A convicted sex offender was released in Monroe Tuesday, according to Fred Kelley, Monroe Police chief.

Johnnie N. Phiffer, 42, will live at 1317 17th St. He was convicted in October 1997 of attempted sexual assault of a 13-year-old female acquaintance. He has also been convicted of theft, drug possession, resisting arrest and unlawful use of a weapon. In 1996, he was convicted of sexual contact with a 17-year-old acquaintance by intimidation. According to Kelley, Phiffer will be closely supervised by Wisconsin Probation and Parole agents. He will be subject to frequent, unannounced visits by agents and will be required to wear an electronic monitoring device. He is not allowed to have any contact with his victim, unapproved meetings with minors and is not allowed to drink alcohol or go into bars, taverns or liquor stores. Phiffer will be taken into custody if he violates any of the rules or conditions of his release.

Policee also warn that they cannot threaten, harass or intimidate any registered sex offenders.

- Brian Gray