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Sen. Howard Marklein applauds JFC appointments
Howard Marklein
Howard Marklein

MADISON — Sen. Howard Marklein released a statement following the announcement that Sen. Julian Bradley, Sen. Romaine Quinn, and Sen. Rob Stafsholt have been appointed to serve on the Joint Committee on Finance (JFC):

“Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu’s appointments of Sen. Bradley, Sen. Quinn, and Sen. Stafsholt to the JFC bring unique new perspectives and experiences to our Senate finance team. We will have representation from northern Wisconsin to southeastern Wisconsin and everywhere in between.  

“Thank you to Sen. Pat Testin and Sen. Eric Wimberger who will continue to serve on this committee. Their work on the last budget was extraordinary, and I am fortunate that they have agreed to continue serving on this important committee.” 

“I would also like to thank Sen. Joan Ballweg, Sen. Duey Stroebel, and Sen. Mary Felzkowski for their years of service on JFC. I am grateful for their help over the past two sessions in crafting budgets that funded our priorities and were made for Wisconsin.”