MONROE - Monroe's two-day Pre-Winter City Wide Garage Sales will be held on Friday, Oct. 1, and Saturday, Oct. 2, and will include all of Monroe. The two-day sales will run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., rain or shine.
To register for the City Wide sales, complete the registration form and submit it along with the $10 registration fee to the Monroe Chamber office. Registration forms are available at Monroe Pick 'N Save, Piggly Wiggly in Monroe, and the Monroe Chamber of Commerce and Industry office. Forms are also available online at
Submit the registration form prior to Sept. 23 in order to be included in the citywide map. Registration will be accepted from now until Sept. 23 for the two-day sale.
A map listing all registered sellers will be available, starting Sept. 29. If anyone has questions or would like to help with the City Wide sale plans, contact Rita Farris at 325-2224 or the Monroe Chamber of Commerce and Industry at 325-7648. Registration forms may be dropped off or mailed to the Monroe Chamber, 1505 9th St., Monroe, WI 53566.
All registered participants will be part of the drawing for two Monroe Money gift certificates.
To register for the City Wide sales, complete the registration form and submit it along with the $10 registration fee to the Monroe Chamber office. Registration forms are available at Monroe Pick 'N Save, Piggly Wiggly in Monroe, and the Monroe Chamber of Commerce and Industry office. Forms are also available online at
Submit the registration form prior to Sept. 23 in order to be included in the citywide map. Registration will be accepted from now until Sept. 23 for the two-day sale.
A map listing all registered sellers will be available, starting Sept. 29. If anyone has questions or would like to help with the City Wide sale plans, contact Rita Farris at 325-2224 or the Monroe Chamber of Commerce and Industry at 325-7648. Registration forms may be dropped off or mailed to the Monroe Chamber, 1505 9th St., Monroe, WI 53566.
All registered participants will be part of the drawing for two Monroe Money gift certificates.