NEW GLARUS - New Glarus High School was rated as a Silver Medal School in the April 19, 2016, edition of U.S. News and World Report.
New Glarus High School was rated 33rd in the state of Wisconsin, which was the highest in the Capitol Conference and in Green County. Overall, New Glarus High School ranked as the 1,553rd best high school in the nation.
The rankings are based on college readiness, AP tests administered and passed, and proficiency in mathematics and reading. Other criteria included graduation rate, student/teacher ratio and the closing of gaps between expected and actual student performance.
New Glarus High School was rated 33rd in the state of Wisconsin, which was the highest in the Capitol Conference and in Green County. Overall, New Glarus High School ranked as the 1,553rd best high school in the nation.
The rankings are based on college readiness, AP tests administered and passed, and proficiency in mathematics and reading. Other criteria included graduation rate, student/teacher ratio and the closing of gaps between expected and actual student performance.