MONROE - In a meeting Wednesday, the City of Monroe Plan Commission:
Approved an extension of a conditional use permit for emergency housing and temporary living placement facility for the Department of Corrections at 1317 17th St. A letter to the commission from Monroe Police Chief Fred Kelley stated that no problems have arisen from the arrangement in the past year. The Police Department had eight calls regarding incidents at the location, none of which were related to residential problems at the facility. Kelley concluded the facility benefits the community and causes no problems in the neighborhood.
Attorney Robert Duxstad, representing the property owner, asked that the Commission approve the permit on an automatic renewal status. The annual renewal basis made the property difficult to rent, if the permit is always subject to review, he said.
Members of the commission responded there needs to be some monitoring system in connection with the permit.
The Commission approved the extension on an automatic renewal basis, under the condition that no objections arise from the Police Department, Department of Corrections or the state. The Commission would review the permit in the event an objection occurs.
Recommended parking stops be installed and required a buffer consisting of trees and shrubs be planted every 100 feet in a 10-foot terrace between County DR and the Fastenall building in the North Industrial Park. After a failure to communicate to the business' owners the Commission's original intent and approval of plans to have the Fastenall building constructed with an extended facade that wraps around the building to its north side, Director of Public Works Kelly Finkenbinder asked the Commission to approve some kind of option for the owners to use as a compromise. Members of the Commission chose the buffer for its aesthetic effects, but which would not create a snow stop for the business or the county. The Commission strongly recommended the parking stops and possibly some type of planters to prevent vehicles from damaging the metal building and creating an eyesore. Making the extra efforts for the Fastenall building were an attempt by the Commission to create a pleasing effect to the entrance of the industrial park.
Recommended to Council to grant an easement to Utelco, LLC, doing business as TDS Telecom, for the purpose of laying underground cables and lines in the north side of the city. City Attorney Rex Ewald recommended the Commission strike the phrase "and/or other purposes" from the request, which he said would leave the easement area wide open to other uses.
Approved an extension of a conditional use permit for emergency housing and temporary living placement facility for the Department of Corrections at 1317 17th St. A letter to the commission from Monroe Police Chief Fred Kelley stated that no problems have arisen from the arrangement in the past year. The Police Department had eight calls regarding incidents at the location, none of which were related to residential problems at the facility. Kelley concluded the facility benefits the community and causes no problems in the neighborhood.
Attorney Robert Duxstad, representing the property owner, asked that the Commission approve the permit on an automatic renewal status. The annual renewal basis made the property difficult to rent, if the permit is always subject to review, he said.
Members of the commission responded there needs to be some monitoring system in connection with the permit.
The Commission approved the extension on an automatic renewal basis, under the condition that no objections arise from the Police Department, Department of Corrections or the state. The Commission would review the permit in the event an objection occurs.
Recommended parking stops be installed and required a buffer consisting of trees and shrubs be planted every 100 feet in a 10-foot terrace between County DR and the Fastenall building in the North Industrial Park. After a failure to communicate to the business' owners the Commission's original intent and approval of plans to have the Fastenall building constructed with an extended facade that wraps around the building to its north side, Director of Public Works Kelly Finkenbinder asked the Commission to approve some kind of option for the owners to use as a compromise. Members of the Commission chose the buffer for its aesthetic effects, but which would not create a snow stop for the business or the county. The Commission strongly recommended the parking stops and possibly some type of planters to prevent vehicles from damaging the metal building and creating an eyesore. Making the extra efforts for the Fastenall building were an attempt by the Commission to create a pleasing effect to the entrance of the industrial park.
Recommended to Council to grant an easement to Utelco, LLC, doing business as TDS Telecom, for the purpose of laying underground cables and lines in the north side of the city. City Attorney Rex Ewald recommended the Commission strike the phrase "and/or other purposes" from the request, which he said would leave the easement area wide open to other uses.